Tim Kubart presents...
"Building Blocks"
...a celebration of our hearts’ ability to grow as we do...
Tim Kubart's fifth album for families and the follow-up to his Grammy Award winning album, "HOME."
Building Blocks is a pop celebration all about growing: growing wiser, growing bolder, and, above all, growing our circle of caring for family, friends, and those around us. Brimming with joyful energy and catchy pop hooks, it's is an inspiring reminder of the power of caring featuring sing-along tunes about first days, new pets, and big steps.
Guests include Steve Burns (Blue's Clues), Genevieve Goings (Choo Choo Soul), Carly Ciarrocchi (Sprout House), Sara Niemietz and Drue Davis (Postmodern Jukebox), and the Junior Chorus from Woodward Parkway Elementary School.
Produced by Grammy Award Winner Dominic Fallacaro. The artwork featured is by noted collage artist Nell Pierce.
If you'd like a physical copy, please email tim@timkubart.com